Saturday, March 21, 2009

Plugging along

This morning I ran most of the outing! I was very pleased with myself. I would have been able to run all of it, but I was having shoe issues and it was causing my foot to hurt, so I had to stop and fix it a couple of times. I walked a little towards the end because it was bothering me so much.


When I ran, I was running at at least a 10:30 min/mile pace! It felt so good. The other night we had another quality workout, this time our fartleks were 10X1:00, and our coach wanted us running slightly faster than our 5K pace. Well, I figured I would just go faster than what felt right, and I was hitting the 28:00 5K cone consistently throughout the exercise. I can't wait to run my first 5K of the year, I am so anxious to see where I'll be.

On the gluten free front, my dad's birthday is coming up next week and we are thinking about celebrating tomorrow. I might try my hand at baking a cake. I found a great gluten free recipe using Jules' Nearly Normal Cooking Flour, which I have, so I might bake! I'll upload pictures if it turns out as good as I hope!

I feel like I am in a side dish rut when it comes to meals. I usually wind up making mashed potatoes and a veggie, which is fine, but I could use some variety. I love rice, but I am not imaginative when it comes to cooking it. I had a dream the other night that there was a gluten free Pasta Roni...that used to be my favorite side dish...that would be a dream come true!


Chrissy said...

I use Jules' gluten free flour too and it works great! Are you trying the yellow cake from last week's newsletter? That recipe looks delicious--I can't wait to try it!

Stacy said...

My husband actually baked the cake and I thought it turned out really good! It was so nice to eat cake!