Sunday, March 8, 2009


So, I learned what happens when you stop running in November and start back up in March. Your legs HURT. A lot.

Today was day two of the Spring Program...and we already missed it. Hubby and I went to an open house for a school we're interested in for our kids, and we didn't make it home in time to make it to running group. Mom was at the house with the napping kids, so once I got home, I changed and we went to a local park instead and walked briskly for 35 minutes. I am going to incorporate some running in this week. But not tomorrow...Mondays are a rest day.

Here's the plan for the rest of the week:
Tuesday: 25 minutes easy
Wednesday: 30 minutes easy
Thursday: FARTLEK time! 5X2:00s (if I haven't started running by then, I will that night)
Friday: REST! woo
Saturday: 30 minutes easy

One of my frustrations toward the end of last year was that my new orthotics gave me horrible blisters in my arches. The otrhotics felt great for my knees and back, but not so much for that tender skin. Last week when I was at Charm City Run with my mom, I asked for some suggestions on how to manage that problem. The lady suggested I use some Body Glide. Holy cow! What a difference!

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