Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Today was my first time running since I got sick. It was good to get out there. I looked forward to it this morning when I packed up my bag with my shoes, my jogbra, my long spandex pants, my UA turtleneck and a tee shirt to wear over the turtleneck because it's so tight.

It rained. ALL DAY. And it was cold. REALLY COLD. I watched the rain from my window. I didn't want to go. But I did. Then I didn't. But then I did again. I figured that since it had been two weeks or so since I went, I was slipping further and further into that sweet wonderland of not exercising ever. And that's not good. So, I put on my big girl panties and resolved to go.

I was so glad I packed my long spandex pants.

Finally, 5:30 came, and I got my bag out and started to change into my running clothes. My long spandex pants? Yeah, not. I mistakenly packed my capri length pants.

Crap. It's raining harder. Gulp. I pulled my clothes on anyway. Oh look! I have mittens! I drove over to the track. Hmm...where is everyone? I sit. I wait. I watch the rain. I think about leaving. Then I see the orange Honda Element pull up. I can't leave now.

So I wait until 5:59:59 and we get out of our cars. My running group normally has 40 or so people. There were 3 of us. In fairness, the Main Street Mile was tonight and a lot of the group was running that, but a lot of us weren't.

I am glad I went because I desperately needed to run. But here it is 5 hours later and I am still fuh-reezing.

There should be a law against running in the cold.

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