Monday, May 4, 2009

Size Four

I had an exciting shopping experience last week. I needed an outfit for my brother in law's rehersal dinner and true to form, I went shopping about 6 hours before it started.

I found an adorable black and white matte jersey shirt that had yellow and lime green flowers throughout it. I wanted to wear it with black capri pants, but I couldn't find any in "my size."

I'm still not sure what my size is. Six? Eight? Actually looking for those numbers is weird. In my mind I am still a size 12.

I decided to focus my attention on white pants because I thought that the shirt would look nice with those as well. I found a pair that I loved, but they didn't have a size six, so, I half heartedly pulled a four off the rack, fully expecting that they wouldn't fit.

Thanks to the miracles of modern medicine and Spanx, they fit! Holy cow, I got into size four pants. I bought size four pants. I wore size four pants. I rocked the size four pants. I held my breath and was careful not to make any sudden moves in size four pants.

The dress I wore to the wedding the next day was a six petite, for those keeping score.

I love my re-emerging body!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Today was my first time running since I got sick. It was good to get out there. I looked forward to it this morning when I packed up my bag with my shoes, my jogbra, my long spandex pants, my UA turtleneck and a tee shirt to wear over the turtleneck because it's so tight.

It rained. ALL DAY. And it was cold. REALLY COLD. I watched the rain from my window. I didn't want to go. But I did. Then I didn't. But then I did again. I figured that since it had been two weeks or so since I went, I was slipping further and further into that sweet wonderland of not exercising ever. And that's not good. So, I put on my big girl panties and resolved to go.

I was so glad I packed my long spandex pants.

Finally, 5:30 came, and I got my bag out and started to change into my running clothes. My long spandex pants? Yeah, not. I mistakenly packed my capri length pants.

Crap. It's raining harder. Gulp. I pulled my clothes on anyway. Oh look! I have mittens! I drove over to the track. Hmm...where is everyone? I sit. I wait. I watch the rain. I think about leaving. Then I see the orange Honda Element pull up. I can't leave now.

So I wait until 5:59:59 and we get out of our cars. My running group normally has 40 or so people. There were 3 of us. In fairness, the Main Street Mile was tonight and a lot of the group was running that, but a lot of us weren't.

I am glad I went because I desperately needed to run. But here it is 5 hours later and I am still fuh-reezing.

There should be a law against running in the cold.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Interesting observation

I haven't been running since Sunday. I got whatever cold virus my son had, and I've been pretty miserable since Wednesday. I had laryngitis yesterday, which made me nervous because I had court today, but my voice came back enough that it was ok. So, I'll probably be back to running next week, once it gets out of my system.

I always hated my upper arms because I had keratosis pilaris, which is the chicken bump like nastiness. It never bothered me, except that I knew those bumps were there and I'd pick pick pick.

Now that the weather is warming, I've worn short sleeves a few times. My hands naturally gravitated toward the back of my upper arms. I was shocked at what I felt. I felt nothing. I felt smooth, albeit dry, skin.

Last summer, I spent over $60 on a moisturizer from Sephora that was supposed to help with KP, and it didn't do anything for me. I am completely convinced that it resolved because I am no longer eating gluten. I had those bumps on my arms for as long as I could remember, and for them to be gone, now, it cannot be a coincidence.

This is just one more amazing and wonderful side effect to being gluten free. Since going gluten free, I've lost 25 lbs that I couldn't lose no matter what I tried, I am no longer gassy, I'm rarely if ever bloated anymore, I'm regular, I rarely get canker sores (although if I accidentally ingest gluten, this is how I know), I am no longer ravenously hungry all the time, and the list continues.

Every day I am amazed how being gluten free has positively changed my life!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Plugging along

This morning I ran most of the outing! I was very pleased with myself. I would have been able to run all of it, but I was having shoe issues and it was causing my foot to hurt, so I had to stop and fix it a couple of times. I walked a little towards the end because it was bothering me so much.


When I ran, I was running at at least a 10:30 min/mile pace! It felt so good. The other night we had another quality workout, this time our fartleks were 10X1:00, and our coach wanted us running slightly faster than our 5K pace. Well, I figured I would just go faster than what felt right, and I was hitting the 28:00 5K cone consistently throughout the exercise. I can't wait to run my first 5K of the year, I am so anxious to see where I'll be.

On the gluten free front, my dad's birthday is coming up next week and we are thinking about celebrating tomorrow. I might try my hand at baking a cake. I found a great gluten free recipe using Jules' Nearly Normal Cooking Flour, which I have, so I might bake! I'll upload pictures if it turns out as good as I hope!

I feel like I am in a side dish rut when it comes to meals. I usually wind up making mashed potatoes and a veggie, which is fine, but I could use some variety. I love rice, but I am not imaginative when it comes to cooking it. I had a dream the other night that there was a gluten free Pasta Roni...that used to be my favorite side dish...that would be a dream come true!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Wow...I wasn't expecting THAT...

So, I'm not back to running full time yet. I am definitely running in spurts. I think this is going to be a great running season.

We ran fartleks on Thursday night. I did 6X2:00. To say I surprised myself was an understatement. Dave (my running coach) set up cones along the track that represented 5K pace. The last cone represented a 34:00 5K. Last year I ran just under a 39:00 5K. I was consistently running between the 32:00 and 34:00, even after the sixth time. I was exhausted, but very encouraged. I have been amazed at how much faster I am.

Yesterday morning, I ran 4 minutes with a two minute break for about 40 minutes. I did really well with that. Today I went to a track and ran 200m fast and then walked 200m. Again, I surprised myself because according to my iPod, I was running between a 9:30-10:00 minute mile. My average pace today was 12:45 min/mile! That was my average pace last summer, and I was running!

Being gluten free has improved my health in more ways than I could have imagined. Looking back at last summer, I was so unhealthy. I was eating gluten, my asthma was poorly controlled, and my body hurt. I still have a long way to go to get the distance of last summer back, but I can't wait!

Sunday, March 8, 2009


So, I learned what happens when you stop running in November and start back up in March. Your legs HURT. A lot.

Today was day two of the Spring Program...and we already missed it. Hubby and I went to an open house for a school we're interested in for our kids, and we didn't make it home in time to make it to running group. Mom was at the house with the napping kids, so once I got home, I changed and we went to a local park instead and walked briskly for 35 minutes. I am going to incorporate some running in this week. But not tomorrow...Mondays are a rest day.

Here's the plan for the rest of the week:
Tuesday: 25 minutes easy
Wednesday: 30 minutes easy
Thursday: FARTLEK time! 5X2:00s (if I haven't started running by then, I will that night)
Friday: REST! woo
Saturday: 30 minutes easy

One of my frustrations toward the end of last year was that my new orthotics gave me horrible blisters in my arches. The otrhotics felt great for my knees and back, but not so much for that tender skin. Last week when I was at Charm City Run with my mom, I asked for some suggestions on how to manage that problem. The lady suggested I use some Body Glide. Holy cow! What a difference!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Back at it! And some thoughts on the blog...

Well, today marks the start of a new year of running. Of course, there was only a 1/4 mile of running today, but I walked 2.25 miles at a brisk pace for 2.5 total. My coach was happy to see me back and it was great to see some familiar faces from the program.

This time around, I have my mom with me. She did great today and as we continue, she'll be running in no time!

My short term goal is to run this race in May: Mom, my sister and I were all diagnosed with celiac disease in October and it's a great way to combine running with raising awareness for a cause that has become near and dear to our hearts. Plus, it looks like there are great sponsors that are going to be there!

I figured out that we probably had celiac disease in the end of September (thanks to the wonderousness of Google and a random message board posting about celiac in a South Beach Diet forum I read), My mom spoke to a gastroenterologist about us who agreed that we needed to be tested. We had that done, and mom and I were diagnosed on October 2. I met this diagnosis with a mix of devastation and excitement. I had been overweight and despite my running over the summer, I couldn't lose the weight no matter what I did. I went gluten free starting with lunch that day and I haven't looked back. I spent most of October crying in the grocery store as I struggled with learning the diet and reading labels and looking longingly at the things I used to eat but couldn't anymore. Almost immediately, I started to feel better and my GI tract was normalizing. Amazingly, the pounds started to melt away. I read in Gluten Free for Dummies that overweight celiacs tend to drop weight as they go gluten free. To date, I've lost almost 25 lbs. I eat a lot too! And thank God that M&Ms are gluten free!

As devastated as I was, I was excited because I finally figured out why I always felt so gross. I truly have never felt better in the months since going GF. I still struggle occasionally, but it's much easier. I have figured out the best way to eat when I eat out, and I even found a great Chinese restaruant who will cook gluten free for us. They even keep gluten free soy sauce on hand!

As I restart this blog, I think I am going to shape it as a blog that addresses both my running and my gluten free-ness...what do you think?